We subscribe to a sustainable future for everyone. A sustainable future will not be secured by only focusing on environmental sustainability. Affordable alternative energy will contributing to elevating poverty, and creating opportunities were there are non at the moment.
Alternative Energy Solutions provide several benefits for people in poverty such as new jobs, affordable access to new technologies and better living conditions.
By bringing Alternative Energy Solutions into the energy sector, governments no longer need to be reliant on imports and will be able to redirect funds into social programs that will better benefit the poor.
AritechBiz TECNIK™ can be easily implemented in rural areas without the need to invest in expansive transmission lines. Essentially, it could easily bring electricity to impoverished people in a very short amount of time.
Businesses could thrive by being able to stay open longer, and children could spend more time studying.
“An educated youth is one of the surest ways to secure a financially sustainable future.”
AritechBiz NEU™ provide users with the best and most important tools available to ensure seamless communication and connectivity at affordable prices. We pride ourselves on our exceptional service and it is our highest priority. To ensure sustainability for our customers and our business partners we use a combination of own equity and internal resources to fund risk acceptable projects.